Offset Your
Carbon Footprint

Buy Carbon Credits and Help Reduce Global Emissions

What are
Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits are permits that allow a company or person to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. They are used to offset emissions by funding projects that reduce or remove carbon from the atmosphere, like planting trees or building renewable energy sources.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint of an average American is 15 tons of CO2 per year. Using our services you can greatly reduce your footprint, or even offset it completely to become Carbon Neutral or Carbon Negative.

Calculate your Footprint

1. Calculate your Footprint

Use our CO2 calculator to discover the Carbon Footprint of yourself and your family.

Buy Carbon Credits

2. Buy Carbon Credits

Choose a plan that fits your needs, or make a one-time purchase of Carbon Credits.

Reduce CO2

3. Reduce CO2

Your purchase will fund projects that removes CO2 from the atmosphere. Not only can you become Carbon Neutral, you will also contribute to a cleaner and greener future.

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Projects We Support

Biomass Facility Carbon offsets

Biomass Facility in India

Located in Rudrapur, India, the facility utilises biological waste to make clean sustainable energy.

Reforestation carbon offsets

Reforestation Project

This project aims to reforest large areas in Paraguay that used to be covered in rainforest.

Renewable energy carbon offsets

Renewable Energy Project

This project supplies renewable electricity to the Chinese power grid, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.